It will restore files of absolutely any type, and there are no restrictions on the volumes of documents being restored. This software works on each of the sections on the hard disk. DiskInternals Partition Recovery is the best software to repair an external hard drive. For starters, you need to know what could lead to the loss of files on an external hard drive. In this case, the first thing you need to figure out what happened to it. However, there are situations when your computer does not read or does not recognize an external hard drive. Diskinternals windows offers many additional features that are not available in the free version and are worth exploring if you are a Windows user.An external hard drive is used to store your photos, videos, important documents, and other data which are rarely used. On a side note, Diskinternals offers a free version of their Windows recovery program. When in the directory, you will select the file and continue with the Diskinternals Partition Recovery wizard. When using Windows, all you will need to do is click "select disk" and browse to the location where the file is located on your computer. One of the most unique aspects about this program is the ability to restore deleted files using either Windows or Linux. From here, you will select the currently selected Windows operating system and click next. Once the drive is inserted, you will be taken back to the Windows partition manager. When you choose to restore a file, Diskinternals will prompt you to insert the drive's label. Once you click the "next" button, you will be brought to a screen with three partitions on which you can choose which files to copy or restore. The recovery wizard is similar to the most popular Windows recovery wizard. Each will perform the same basic functions such as formatting and partition recovery but the differences between the two programs are minimal. If you are unsure of which disk recovery software program to use on your particular operating system, Diskinternals offers both. This service is similar to many others, except that they have their own backup servers in case your disks fail.

When searching for this type of service, you should be sure to find one that offers solid customer support and has backup servers that are regularly monitored. They offer both Linux and Windows alternatives. Diskinternals, founded by Bill Atkinson and Terry Johnson in 1985, is a small software firm located in Boulder, Colorado.